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品名(英)Portrait of Napoleon I
策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作者baron François Gérard【1770 至 1837】【法国人】
创作年份公元 1805 - 公元 1811
尺寸87 1/2 × 57 1/2 英寸 (222.3 × 146.1 厘米) Framed: 8 ft. 9 3/4 英寸 × 75 3/4 英寸 (268.6 × 192.4 厘米)
介绍(中)雅克-路易·大卫是皇帝的第一画家,但拿破仑不喜欢大卫在 1805 年秋冬绘制的官方加冕肖像。相反,他更喜欢弗朗索瓦·热拉尔(François Gérard)在1805年为外交部准备的肖像。它显示了拿破仑在帝国所在地杜乐丽宫的王座室中。皇帝委托他多次重复,送给他的大侍从塔利朗公爵等重要官员,以及他在整个西欧登上宝座的众多兄弟姐妹。现在还不确定热拉尔肖像的许多版本中哪一个是第一个,尽管它可能是现在凡尔赛宫的画布。

1808年,拿破仑下令皇家挂毯作品制作他最喜欢的肖像的编织副本,从而与可追溯到中世纪的皇家挂毯赞助传统保持一致。彩绘复制品本可以快速生产,而且费用很少,但挂毯更加耗时和昂贵,因此更加珍贵。八名织布工工作了整整三年,才使这次巡回演出成为可能。它在 1811 年 3 月 7 日完工四天后被赠送给帝国大臣让-雅克·雷吉斯·德·康巴塞雷斯。

介绍(英)Jacques-Louis David was First Painter to the emperor, but Napoleon did not like the official coronation portrait that David painted during the autumn and winter of 1805. Instead, he preferred a portrait that François Gérard had prepared in 1805 for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It shows Napoleon in the Throne Room of the Tuileries Palace, the seat of the empire. The emperor commissioned a number of repetitions to give to prominent officials, such as his grand-chamberlain, the duc de Tallyrand, and to his numerous brothers and sisters, whom he had installed on thrones throughout western Europe. It is no longer certain which of the many versions of Gérard's portrait was the first, although it may be the canvas now at the Château de Versailles.

In 1808, Napoleon ordered the imperial tapestry works to execute a woven copy of his favorite portrait, thereby aligning himself with the royal tradition of tapestry patronage that extends back to the Middle Ages. A painted replica could have been produced quickly and with little expense, but tapestry was much more time-consuming and costly, and therefore considerably more precious. Eight weavers worked for three full years to make this tour de force. It was presented to the arch-chancellor of the empire, Jean-Jacques Régis de Cambacérès, four days after it was completed on March 7, 1811.

In their depictions of Napoleon in his imperial robes, David and Ingres both strove to create novel imagery consonant with the new regime. However, the portraits that found favor with the court were those, such as this, that relied upon familiar conventions that had been used to portray French kings since Louis XIV.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。