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品名(英)Ganymede with eagle and eaglet
策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作者Benvenuto Cellini【1500 至 1571】【意大利人】
创作年份公元 1700 - 公元 1799
尺寸整体 (confirmed): 11 1/8 × 5 × 3 3/8 英寸, 10 磅 (28.3 × 12.7 × 8.6 厘米, 4.5 kg)


这种组合物很受欢迎,Doccia 瓷器作品提供了五种尺寸的缩小。3]在青铜中较为罕见。我们的版本是一个基本的实心铸件,除了头发和羽毛的镀金外,没有修饰过。整体,就像Doccia的作品一样,保留了切利尼大理石的比例,这对于风格主义者来说是非常规范的。有人想回忆切利尼更熟悉的一面,在弗里克(1916.2.42)中减弱了小雕像的腿。大都会的团队被称为"逊色于弗里克",但事实并非如此:如果我们的鹰不像青铜那样大摇晃晃,那么它的鹰羽毛清晰,尤其是在后面令人钦佩。对方的羽流几乎没有划定界限。[4]


1. 萨斯洛 1986;巴尔坎 1991.
2. 有关大理石图像的政治解释,请参阅 Allen 2013。这个主题——一个男孩给木星一只小猛禽?——没有什么意义,除非小鹰被视为对uccello(鸟)这个词的玩弄,然后像现在一样暗示男性成员。
3. 兰克海特,1982年,第116页。巴黎雅克马尔-安德烈博物馆加斯佩罗·布鲁斯基(Gaspero Bruschi)的大型瓷器组中的男孩(同上,图51)的臀部周围有一片帷幔。
4. 另一个在休斯顿美术博物馆(44.587),曲线不那么优美,脖子奇怪地扭曲,没有鹰,因此不构成讨论的一部分。威尔逊 2001,第 254–55 页,图11、怀疑是十九世纪。
介绍(英)To court Ganymede, a beautiful Trojan prince, Jupiter transformed himself into an eagle and flew the youth to Mount Olympus to serve him as cupbearer. This recurrent Renaissance theme was often interpreted as conferring divine sanction on homoerotic relations.[1]

In 1546, Benvenuto Cellini entered the dialogue when Cosimo I de’ Medici, grand duke of Tuscany, showed him an ancient Parian marble torso of a youth. Cellini offered to restore it but wanted the subject to evolve into a Ganymede. He thus supplied it with a head, a lower right leg, both feet, a base, and the companion eagle, the neck feathers of which the boy caresses with one hand. The other hand rather teasingly lifts a smaller, downy eaglet (fig. 105a).[2] The eaglet’s head and neck, missing in our copy, were once attached by a metal pin that remains on top.

The composition proved popular, and the Doccia porcelain works offered reductions in five sizes.[3] It is rarer in bronze. Our version is a rudimentary solid cast, unretouched except for the gilding of hair and feathers. The whole, like the Doccia output, retains the proportions of Cellini’s marble, which are remarkably normative for that Mannerist. Someone who wanted to recall the more familiar side of Cellini attenuated the legs of a statuette in the Frick (1916.2.42). The Met’s group has been called “much inferior” to the Frick’s, but not so: if ours is no great shakes as a bronze, its eagle is articulately feathered, especially admirably in back. The plumes of the other are barely demarcated.[4]

(For key to shortened references see bibliography in Allen, Italian Renaissance and Baroque Bronzes in The Metropolitan Museum of Art. NY: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2022.)

1. Saslow 1986; Barkan 1991.
2. For a political interpretation of the marble’s iconography, see Allen 2013. The subject—a boy offering Jupiter a baby raptor?—makes little sense unless the eaglet is seen as a play on the word uccello (bird), then as now an allusion to the male member.
3. Lankheit 1982, p. 116. The boy in the large porcelain group by Gaspero Bruschi in the Musée Jacquemart-André, Paris (ibid., fig. 51), has a swath of drapery around his hips.
4. Another, in the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (44.587), is less curvaceous, has an oddly twisted neck, and lacks the eagle, and so does not form part of the discussion. Wilson 2001, pp. 254–55, fig. 11, suspects it is nineteenth century.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。