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品名(英)Andiron with figure of Minerva (one of a pair)
策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作者Danese Cattaneo【1512 至 1572】【意大利人】
创作年份公元 1550 - 公元 1599
尺寸高: 36 1/4 英寸 (92.1 厘米)


弗里德萨姆青铜器遵循这些功能性物体的典型三重方案:三角形底座(用于稳定)、或多或少铰接的中央部分,以及神话或寓言主题的加冕小雕像。2001年进行的技术分析证实,底座和中心部分由相同的合金组成。茎中央的纹章椭圆形图案以鹰、跨步的狮子和网格图案为特色。Minerva和Mars这两个超越性的人物是通过众多的复制品而闻名的,例如,艺术史博物馆中这对人物的模型。[3] 这些版本的不同之处在于胸甲的装饰、头盔、表面光洁度以及生产环境、执行质量和年代。总之,它们阐明了现代早期威尼斯青铜器加工的动态,阐明了如何根据历史悠久的形式和图像惯例,将著名的发明复制并适应不同的物体,通常是在同一个工作室

不幸的是,这些条件也使得确定特定物体的制作者变得非常困难。1919年,Leo Planiscig将适用于Friedsam andirons两位神的合成公式归因于Danese Cattaneo的工作室。[4] 最近,他们与蒂齐亚诺·阿斯佩蒂的商店有关。[5] 克劳迪娅·克里扎·格什(Claudia Kryza Gersch)在1600年左右将这对情侣放在了尼科洛·罗卡塔利亚塔(NicolåRoccatagliata)的圈子里:她强调了他们的高质量,这在艾伦·吉本(Alan Gibbon)1990年出版的青铜《火星与密涅瓦》(Mars and Minerva)中也很明显,当时在伦敦市场上,但目前位置未知。[6]

3.《1919年计划》,第135–36页,编号207、208。在罗马威尼斯宫(Santangelo,1964年,第19页)和赫米塔什宫(Hermitage,H-CK-5434547)(安德罗索夫,2007年,第171-73页,编号185186)也可以找到这对的其他铸件。另一对曾两次拍卖:伦敦苏富比拍卖行,1985年7月3日,81号拍品;纽约苏富比,1995年1月11日,84号拍品。一个没有吊坠的火星在Szépmüvészeti Múzeum,布达佩斯,51.904(Balogh 1975,第1卷,第177页),而一个缺少一只手臂的Minerva则在Offermann收藏中,科隆(Brockhaus和Leinz 1994,第104页,第33页)。博洛尼亚中世纪文明博物馆(Museo Civico Medievale)中有两个结构不同但顶部有相似小人物的壁炉架,1492年(D’Apuzzo 2017,第216-20页,编号69a/b)
6.Claudia Kryza Gersch,2001年3月,ESDA/OF;吉本1990年,第TK页。
介绍(英)The pair of andirons once belonged to Michael Friedsam, head of the B. Altman & Company department store in New York from 1913 until his death in 1931. Inspired perhaps by the example of his cousin, Benjamin Altman, founder of the company, Friedsam was a passionate collector, interested principally in Northern Renaissance and Baroque painting. Responding to the vogue for decorative objects in Gilded Age interiors, he also forayed into the field of Italian Renaissance bronzes, particularly those from Florence to Padua and Venice. His bequest to The Met, formalized in June 1930, included a large selection of bronze statuettes, from which curator Joseph Breck could make a considered selection of accessions for the museum.[1]

Described in the acquisition paperwork as “in the manner of Alessandro Vittoria,” these firedogs would have been considered elegant specimens of a type popular on the curiosités market in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries (see also cats. 80, 82). Judging by the number of surviving examples, even excluding later casts and modern forgeries, the production of firedogs in cinquecento Venice was a lucrative business that continued well into the next century, buoyed by the constant recycling of famous sculptural models and prototypes.[2]

The Friedsam bronzes follow the typical tripartite scheme for these functional objects: a triangular base (for stability), a central section more or less articulated, and a crowning small statuette of a mythological or allegorical subject. Technical analysis conducted in 2001 confirms that the bases and central sections are composed of the same alloy. The heraldic oval at the center of the stem features an eagle, a striding lion, and a grid motif. The surmounting figures, Minerva and Mars, are known through numerous replicas, for instance, casts of the pair in the Kunsthistorisches Museum.[3] These versions are distinguished by variations in detail—the decoration of the breastplates, the helmets, surface finish—as well as production context, quality of execution, and dating. Taken together, they illuminate the dynamics of Venetian bronzeworking in the early modern period, by clarifying how celebrated inventions could be copied and adapted to different objects, often in the same workshop, based on time-honored formal and iconographic conventions.

Unfortunately, these conditions also make it very difficult to determine the maker of specific objects. In 1919, Leo Planiscig attributed the composite formula adapted for the two deities of the Friedsam andirons to the workshop of Danese Cattaneo.[4] More recently, they were related to Tiziano Aspetti’s shop.[5] Claudia Kryza-Gersch has placed the pair within the circle of Nicolò Roccatagliata around 1600: she underlined their high quality, evident as well in a bronze Mars and Minerva published by Alan Gibbon in 1990, then on the London market but present location unknown.[6]

(For key to shortened references see bibliography in Allen, Italian Renaissance and Baroque Bronzes in The Metropolitan Museum of Art. NY: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2022.)

1. Friedsam Papers, MMA Archives.
2. Motture 2003.
3. Planiscig 1919, pp. 135–36, nos. 207, 208. Other casts of the pair can be found in the Palazzo Venezia, Rome (Santangelo 1964, p. 19), and the Hermitage, H-CK-543, 547 (Androsov 2007, pp. 171–73 nos. 185, 186). Another pair came to auction twice: Sotheby’s, London, July 3, 1985, lot 81, and Sotheby’s, New York, January 11, 1995, lot 84. A Mars, without a pendant, is in the Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 51.904 (Balogh 1975, vol. 1, p. 177), while a Minerva, missing an arm, is in the Offermann collection, Cologne (Brockhaus and Leinz 1994, p. 104, cat. 33). Two andirons of differing structure but topped by similar small figures are in the Museo Civico Medievale, Bologna, 1492 (D’Apuzzo 2017, pp. 216–20, no. 69a/b).
4. Planiscig 1919, pp. 135–36.
5. Gibbon 1990, p. TK; Brockhaus and Leinz 1994, p. 104, no. 33.
6. Claudia Kryza-Gersch, March 2001, ESDA/OF; Gibbon 1990, p. TK.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。