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品名(英)Horse and rider
策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作年份公元 1525 - 公元 1575
尺寸8 3/8 × 8 7/8 英寸 (21.3 × 22.5 厘米)
介绍(中)这个精心打造、充满活力的小团体最突出的特点可能是其"皇家"血统,从太阳王路易十四到所谓的男高音之王恩里科·卡鲁索。骑手和支架分别铸造,随后通过安装在骑手身体上的金属管固定,拧入支架腹部,并牢固焊接到位。[1] 尾部也是单独铸造并机械插入的

Wilhelm von Bode恰当地捕捉到了描述该组织"过渡状态"的"瞬间手势",并将其视为属于16世纪中期是正确的,即使他澄清了与Leone Leoni和不朽马术传统的联系仍然是无形的。受其设计令人喜爱的流动性的激励,我并没有更成功地将其与被称为Moderno的方块大师联系在一起,后者在其他方面并不以雕塑家而闻名。[2] 事实上,青铜很难放置。这匹赤背马的坚固魅力,包括其精致的顶结,都归功于威尼斯圣马可大教堂著名的古代结,而这位紧密相连的指挥官通常是罗马人,没有可能将他视为历史领袖的徽章。他胸甲和紧身裤上的面具造型的流畅性值得注意。他举起紧握的拳头上的洞以45度角水平向外,很难猜测它可能做出了什么动作。手本可以握住缰绳,但马的嘴里没有任何东西

一尊类似的小雕像属于白金汉郡门特莫尔的罗斯伯里伯爵,不同之处在于它有镀金的痕迹、晚期的黑色光泽和马右臀部的明显修复痕迹。[3] 还有一个指挥官独自一人的例子,上面有镀金的痕迹。[4]

2.对于摩德纳诺,现在被公认为维罗纳金匠加莱亚佐·蒙德拉,参见Lewis 1989。我们青铜的一张旧照片(博德1910年,第1卷,第LXVI页)显示了一个装饰有摩德纳战斗场景的基座,但仅凭这一点并不足以证明这是他所为
4.Hôtel Drouot,巴黎,1997年6月18日,地段135(作为巴东,16世纪第一季度)。
介绍(英)The most illustrious feature of this well-wrought, perky little group may be its “royal” provenance, from the Sun King, Louis XIV, to the so-called King of Tenors, Enrico Caruso. Rider and mount were cast separately and subsequently affixed by means of a metal tube fitted into the rider’s body, screwed into the mount’s belly, and soldered firmly in place.[1] The tail was also cast separately and inserted mechanically.

Wilhelm von Bode aptly captured the “momentary gestures” that describe the group’s “transitory states” and was right to think of it as belonging to the mid-sixteenth century, even if connections he clarified with Leone Leoni and monumental equestrian traditions remain invisible. Motivated by the endearing flow of its design, I was no more successful in associating it with the master of plaquettes known as Moderno, who was not known otherwise as a sculptor.[2] In reality, the bronze is hard to place. The bareback horse owes its sturdy charms, including its delicate topknot, to the famous ancient ones at the Basilica of San Marco in Venice, while the tightly knit commander is generically Roman, lacking insignia that might identify him as an historic leader. The fluidity of modeling in the masks on his breastplate and leggings is to be noted. The hole in his raised, clenched fist is oriented horizontally outward at a 45-degree angle, making it difficult to guess what action it might have performed. The hands could have held reins, but there is no bit in the horse’s mouth.

A similar statuette, differing in that it bears traces of gilding, a late black patination, and an obvious patch of repair on the steed’s right buttock, belonged to the earls of Rosebery at Mentmore, Buckinghamshire.[3] An example of the commander alone, with traces of gilding, also exists.[4]

(For key to shortened references see bibliography in Allen, Italian Renaissance and Baroque Bronzes in The Metropolitan Museum of Art. NY: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2022.)

1. The alloys of both horse and rider are a surprisingly high-zinc brass. R. Stone/TR, November 14, 2020.
2. For Moderno, now generally recognized as the Veronese goldsmith Galeazzo Mondella, see Lewis 1989. An old photograph of our bronze (Bode 1910, vol. 1, pl. LXVI) shows a pedestal embellished with a Moderno combat scene, but that alone does not warrant ascribing it to him.
3. Sotheby’s, London, March 18, 1977, lot 322 (as Paduan, 16th century).
4. Hôtel Drouot, Paris, June 18, 1997, lot 135 (as Paduan, first quarter of the 16th century).
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。