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品名(英)Bust of a Roman
策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作年份公元 1500 - 公元 1599
尺寸整体 (confirmed): 7 5/8 × 4 1/2 × 4 英寸 (19.4 × 11.4 × 10.2 厘米)
介绍(中)焦虑的表情、凸出的眼睛和剪短的头发暗示模仿了胡里奥-克劳迪安时代的罗马肖像画。[1]半身像是未经追逐的间接铸造,在石膏铸造时表现出霉菌裂纹和气泡痕迹,这表明起源于意大利北部。意大利北部当然生产了经典的半身像,但在这里,对共和风格的模仿是如此沉闷的考古学,以至于暗示了更晚的日期,而极薄的铸件意味着银匠的手,无论日期或地点如何。[2] 一个明显优越的版本,具有明显的高颧骨,在摩德纳的埃斯滕塞美术馆(图28a)。[3]毫无疑问,它是原版的,它稍大的尺寸证明我们的是它的缩小后铸件。在摩德纳,它与一个扎辫子的女人的半身像配对,显然是费拉拉公爵阿方索二世·德埃斯特 1584 年清单中引用的半身像。目前,两者都不可思议地被分配给尼古拉·罗卡塔利亚塔。[4]


(有关缩短参考文献的关键,请参阅大都会艺术博物馆的艾伦,意大利文艺复兴和巴洛克青铜器的参考书目。纽约:大都会艺术博物馆,2022。1. 例如,

比较有时与布鲁图斯有关的古代肖像,例如《大都会》中的男性半身像,14.40.696; 见Picón等人,2007年,第381期。奥古斯都时代还产生了微型青铜半身像,这些半身像可能激发了我们的灵感,例如,艺术史博物馆,VI 273。
2. R. Stone/TR,2011 年 10 月 13 日。
3. Bode 1907-12,第 2 卷,第 CVII 页(在古董之后);Planiscig 1930,第 103 页(作为北意大利,16 世纪,高度错误地为 12 厘米);萨尔维尼,1955年,第41页(作为北意大利,15世纪末);弗兰佐尼1982-83,第331页,无花果。6,7(作为朱利叶斯·凯撒,与朱利奥·德拉·托雷(Giulio della Torre,1481-约1557年)的异类自画像讨论,活跃于维罗纳和帕多瓦,属于维罗纳迷你斯卡尔基·埃里佐基金会)。
4. 信息由报喜兰泽塔提供。女性半身像,肩膀很小,最初有玻璃眼睛和玻璃或珐琅胸针,具有十五世纪的外观。
介绍(英)The anxious expression, bulging eyes, and cropped hair suggest emulation of Roman portraiture of the Julio-Claudian age.[1] The bust, an unchased indirect cast, exhibits mold cracks and bubble marks from casting in plaster, which suggests a northern Italian origin. Northern Italy certainly produced classicizing busts, but here the imitation of Republican style is so sedulously archaeological as to suggest a much later date, and the extremely thin casting implies the hand of a silversmith regardless of date or place.[2] A distinctly superior version, with pronounced, high cheekbones, is in the Galleria Estense, Modena (fig. 28a).[3] It is no doubt the original, its slightly larger size proving that ours is a shrunken after-cast of it. In Modena, it is paired with a bust of a woman in braids, apparently the one cited in the 1584 inventory of Alfonso II d’Este, duke of Ferrara. Currently, both are improbably assigned to Nicolò Roccatagliata.[4]

A charming feature of the present work, absent from the Modena bronze, is the integrally cast scrolling floral volute on the back (fig. 28b). It once formed the top of a prong or strap that anchored the bust to the rear of its lost original base. The Modena bust has better-formed irises against the stained-bone whites of the eyes and a crisper rendering of the feathered locks, particularly noticeable at the crown of the head. In our bust, by contrast, these areas are mere blurs.

(For key to shortened references see bibliography in Allen, Italian Renaissance and Baroque Bronzes in The Metropolitan Museum of Art. NY: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2022.)

1. Compare, for example, ancient portraits sometimes discussed in relation to Brutus, such as a male bust in The Met, 14.40.696; see Picón et al. 2007, no. 381. The Augustan age also produced miniature bronze busts that could have inspired ours, for example, Kunsthistorisches Museum, VI 273.
2. R. Stone/TR, October 13, 2011.
3. Bode 1907–12, vol. 2, pl. CVII (as after the antique); Planiscig 1930, pl. 103 (as North Italian, 16th century, height mistakenly given as 12 cm); Salvini 1955, p. 41 (as North Italian, late 15th century); Franzoni 1982–83, p. 331, figs. 6, 7 (as Julius Caesar, discussed with a dissimilar self-portrait by Giulio della Torre [1481–ca. 1557], active in Verona and Padua, belonging to the Fondazione Miniscalchi Erizzo, Verona).
4. Information supplied by Annunziata Lanzetta. The female bust, with tiny shoulders, originally had glass eyes and a glass or enamel brooch and has a fifteenth-century appearance.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。