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品名(中)Jupiter Ammon公司
品名(英)Jupiter Ammon
策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作年份公元 1500 - 公元 1575
尺寸整体 (confirmed): 3 7/8 × 3 1/8 × 3 1/16 英寸 (9.8 × 7.9 × 7.8 厘米)


作品于1924年进入大都会博物馆,作为奥格登米尔斯(Ogden Mills)赠送的第一批大型青铜器的一部分,奥格登米尔斯从有影响力的立体主义艺术史学家那里购买了它, 收藏家和经销商莱昂斯·亚历山大·罗森伯格.5 对于罗森伯格和他的立体主义圈子来说,带有螺旋角的特殊神灵具有特殊的吸引力。画家Amédée Ozenfant在他的回忆录中将1931年8月26日称为"螺旋之日",并记录了罗森伯格对形状的迷恋.6 Ozenfant继续说道:"我倾向于歌颂螺旋......木星的菊石和角 阿蒙;妇女和儿童头发的卷曲......"


1. 例如,参见大都会博物馆约公元 120-160 年的皇家大理石半身像,2012.22。
2. R. Stone/TR,2007 年 12 月 7 日。
3. 同上
4.参见Alexander Nagel在Allen 2008a中丰富的分析,第134-43页,cat。7,讨论意大利北部古董和文艺复兴时期的例子,见第137页,第3页。
5. 巴黎德鲁奥酒店,1924 年 6 月 12 日至 13 日,编号 109:"青铜古铜中的小泰特:木星,班德莱特的雪佛兰,贝利耶角。意大利语,十六世纪末。Base en marbre.豪特,10美分。
6. 奥森凡特 1939,第 151-52 页。
介绍(英)The Romans considered the revered North African oracle Ammon an embodiment of Jupiter, and referred to this syncretic dual divinity as Jupiter Ammon. Identifiable by its horns and prominent beard, this head representing Jupiter Ammon was likely made to evoke an ancient fragment, though the tightly coiled horns are smaller than in surviving antique examples.[1] Cast directly, the bronze now has a dark brown natural patina with traces of a presumably original black coating in recesses.2 Most of the detail was worked into the wax, with little evidence of subsequent tooling.

Matters of dating and geography remain conjectural, though there are some clues. The unsophisticated casting technique, wherein the core was likely modeled directly on an armature removed through a rectangular opening on the top of the figure’s head, point to an early date.3 The black coating is similar to other early northern Italian bronzes. The iconography resonates with Riccio’s production, including his Moses with the horns of Ammon, and the four Jupiter Ammon heads on the base of the Paschal Candelabrum (p. 00, fig. 13c).4

The work entered the The Met in 1924 as part of the first large group of bronzes given by Ogden Mills, who had purchased it from the influential Cubist art historian, collector, and dealer Léonce Alexandre Rosenberg.5 For Rosenberg and his Cubist circle, the idiosyncratic deity with spiraling horns held special appeal. In his memoir, the painter Amédée Ozenfant designates August 26, 1931, “The Day of Spirals” and records Rosenberg’s fascination with the shape.6 Ozenfant continues: “I feel inclined to sing the praises of the spiral . . . Ammonites and horns of Jupiter Ammon; curls of women’s and of children’s hair . . .”7

(For key to shortened references see bibliography in Allen, Italian Renaissance and Baroque Bronzes in The Metropolitan Museum of Art. NY: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2022.)

1. See, for example, the Imperial marble bust dated ca. 120–160 A.D. in The Met, 2012.22.
2. R. Stone/TR, December 7, 2007.
3. Ibid.
4. See the rich analysis by Alexander Nagel in Allen 2008a, pp. 134–43, cat. 7, with discussion of northern Italian antique and Renaissance examples at p. 137 n. 3.
5. Hôtel Drouot, Paris, June 12–13, 1924, lot 109: “Petite téte en bronze patiné: Jupiter, les cheveux ceints d’une bandelette, avec corne de bélier. Italian, fin du XVIe siècle. Base en marbre. Haut, 10 cent.”
6. Ozenfant 1939, p. 151-52.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。