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品名(中)Drop-Front Secretary(内阁秘书)
品名(英)Drop-front secretary (Secrétaire en armoire)
策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作者Jean Henri Riesener【1734 至 1806】【法国人】
创作年份公元 1783
尺寸整体: 57 × 43 × 16 英寸 (144.8 × 109.2 × 40.6 厘米); 长 (key): 3 5/8 英寸 (9.2 厘米)
介绍(中)让-亨利·里森纳(Jean-Henri Riesener)于1783年为玛丽-安托瓦内特(Marie-Antoinette)创造了这位出色的秘书和马桶。它们被委托给女王在凡尔赛宫的大内阁内部,在那里她保存了她从她的母亲奥地利皇后玛丽亚·特蕾莎(1717 – 1780)那里继承的日本漆盒。为了使它们的表面装饰与盒子的表面装饰相协调,十七世纪日本漆器的精选碎片被重新用作这些皇家家具的贴面。闪亮的黑色和金色漆面和有光泽的乌木构成了异常美丽的镀金青铜支架的醒目背景(详见详细信息页 102)。这些宝石般的坐骑由赃物和交错的自然主义花环组成,在楣板中融入了女王的首字母,以及形状像波纹丝带的手柄。在秘书的下垂前部后面,几个秘密抽屉隐藏在中央隔间的铰链地板下。这些小抽屉以及一个可以单独上锁的保险箱提供了存放贵重物品和保护个人物品免受窥探的地方。毫无疑问,女王使用了它们,因为根据奥地利外交官弗洛里蒙德-克劳德,Mercy-Argenteau伯爵(1727 – 1794)的说法,她从不相信宫廷中的任何文件都是安全的。多年前,他向她的母亲报告说,太子害怕重复的钥匙,担心晚上会从口袋里拿东西。[1]

这些著名家具的历史有据可查。玛丽-安托瓦内特经常改变她私人房间的装饰,1787年,她将马桶和秘书从凡尔赛送到她在圣克劳德的新夏宫。这两件作品都离开了皇家收藏,以代替他在革命期间的服务报酬,交给了莱茵河和摩泽尔军队的补给承包商亚伯拉罕·阿尔坎。在十九世纪,女王的秘书和马桶是几个着名的英国收藏的一部分。乔治·沃森·泰勒(George Watson Taylor,1770 - 1841 年)将它们保存在威尔特郡的乡间别墅埃勒斯托克公园(Erlestoke Park),后来它们属于汉密尔顿公爵。在1882年著名的汉密尔顿宫拍卖会上,皇室作品被收购给威廉·基萨姆·范德比尔特夫人(1853 - 1933),她是纽约市在位的社会女主人之一,用于她在第五大道的豪宅。她的女儿Consuelo Vanderbilt Balsan(1877 - 1964)记得玛丽-安托瓦内特的漆器秘书和马桶站在白色客厅里,客厅里挂着一套Boucher挂毯。[2]


1.仁慈-阿让多 1770 .80.1874,第1卷,第75页。
2. 巴尔桑 1952,第 11 页。
介绍(英)Jean-Henri Riesener created this splendid secretary and commode for Marie-Antoinette in 1783. They were commissioned for the queen’s Grand Cabinet Intérieur at Versailles, where she kept the collection of Japanese lacquer boxes she had inherited from her mother, Empress Maria Theresa (1717 – 1780) of Austria. So that their surface decoration would harmonize with that of the boxes, choice fragments of seventeenth-century Japanese lacquer were reused as veneer for these pieces of royal furniture. The shiny black and gold lacquer and lustrous ebony form a striking background for the exceptionally beautiful gilt-bronze mounts (see detail page 102). Consisting of swags and interlaced garlands of naturalistic flowers, these jewel-like mounts incorporate the queen’s initials in the frieze as well as handles shaped like rippling ribbons. Enclosed behind the fall front of the secretary, several secret drawers are hidden beneath the hinged floor of the central compartment. These small drawers, as well as a strongbox that could be locked separately, offered places to store valuables and protect personal correspondence from prying eyes. The queen undoubtedly used them, for she never believed any papers were safe at the court, according to the Austrian diplomat Florimond-Claude, comte de Mercy-Argenteau (1727 – 1794). He had reported to her mother many years earlier that the dauphine was fearful of duplicate keys and apprehensive that things would be taken from her pockets at night. [1]

The history of these famous pieces of furniture is remarkably well documented. Marie-Antoinette frequently changed the decor of her private rooms, and in 1787 she had the commode and secretary sent from Versailles to her new summer palace at Saint-Cloud. Both pieces left the royal collections when they were given in lieu of payment for his services during the Revolution to Abraham Alcan, a contractor of supplies for the army of the Rhine and Moselle. During the nineteenth century, the queen's secretary and commode were part of several notable British collections. George Watson Taylor (1770 - 1841) kept them at his country house, Erlestoke Park, in Wiltshire, and later they belonged to the dukes of Hamilton. At the famous Hamilton Palace sale of 1882 the royal pieces were acquired for Mrs. William Kissam Vanderbilt (1853 - 1933 ), one of the reigning society hostesses of New York City, for her mansion on Fifth Avenue. Her daughter Consuelo Vanderbilt Balsan (1877 - 1964) remembered Marie-Antoinette's lacquer secretaire and commode standing in the white drawing room, which was hung with a set of Boucher tapestries. [2]


1. Mercy-Argenteau 1770 . 80 .1874, vol. 1, p. 75.
2. Balsan 1952, p. 11.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。