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品名(英)Doorknocker with a Triton and a Nereid
策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作年份公元 1585 - 公元 1599
尺寸整体 (confirmed): 13 × 10 5/8 × 3 1/8 英寸 (33 × 27 × 7.9 厘米)
介绍(中)这件七弦琴形状的门环是J.Pierpont Morgan于1917年进入大都会博物馆的备受尊敬的藏品中的青铜器之一。它包括一个海卫一和内里德,它们戴着胡子面具,鳞片状的身体扭曲并向上逐渐变细。盘绕着两条龙头蛇,它们的牙齿沉入尾巴。一只长着翅膀的公鸡栖息在这对海洋夫妇之间的名词上。来访者的手指会紧贴在口罩上方的空地上,举起并敲击门环

这种流行的作品至少从十八世纪就有文献记载。1758年,佛兰德艺术家Giovanni Grevembroch在威尼斯的《Battori,Batticoli e Battioli》门环汇编中绘制了一个版本。[1] Grevembroch的门环位于威尼斯圣玛丽亚福尔摩沙附近的布拉加丁宫,采用了相同的形状和数字,只是公鸡被另一个色狼面具取代了

这种类型最好的铸件是2007年从Beit系列中出售的,可追溯到16世纪上半叶,以其充满活力的造型而闻名(图71a)。[2] 拜特门环的高度与摩根青铜相似,最初由威廉·冯·博德出版,他将其与雅各布·桑索维诺联系在一起。[3] 更有可能的是,这些门环是由一家身份不明的威尼斯铸造厂铸造的大众市场产品。在这个城市蓬勃发展的青铜工业中,这些铸造厂生产了从门环到手铃的各种功能性物品。[4] 这幅作品的其他版本记录在洛杉矶县艺术博物馆、埃尔米塔什美术馆、柏林艺术博物馆和艺术史博物馆。[5] 虽然这些其他演员都戴着马斯卡隆的王冠,但摩根门环在描绘公鸡方面似乎是独一无二的。这可能是指机具的功能,类似于警告公鸡。青铜耐冲击、耐用,是这些富有共鸣的临街配件的合适媒介

宫殿大门上青铜门环的流行出现在16世纪,人鱼成为一个流行的主题。[6] 在摩根青铜中,鱼尾情侣的右臂连接在终端人物的后面。这暗示了一种右旋的iunctio,代表了一种浪漫的关系,恰如其分地展示在住所的入口处。此外,这些水生生物和青铜的锚形反映了威尼斯与海洋的长期联系及其海军实力。这些混合海洋生物位于分隔外部和内部的临界阈值处,让游客想起该建筑在泻湖中的两栖存在。[7]

。Grevembroch 1879,图8。参见Wyshak 2000,第12-13页,了解更多关于Giovanni Grevembroch(Jan II van Grevenbroeck)的信息
4.例如,参见V.Avery 2011中Giacomo Calderari铸造厂的遗嘱认证清单,第460–64页,文件。298.
5。LACMA,54.51.2(Schaefer和Fusco,1987年,第185页);埃尔米塔什,1783年(同上,第145-46页,第119号);Kunstgewerbemuseum,01.224(被毁;Wyshak 2000,第84页,第25页,第13页,图23);KHM,KK 5971(Planiscig 1924,第116页,图198)
介绍(英)This lyre-shaped doorknocker was one of the bronzes from J. Pierpont Morgan’s esteemed collection that entered The Met in 1917. It comprises a Triton and Nereid that surmount a bearded mask, their scaly bodies twisting and tapering upward. Coiled around the addorsed aquatic figures are two dragon-headed snakes who sink their teeth into their tails. A rooster with outstretched wings perches atop the term that stands between the marine couple. A visitor’s fingers would fit snugly into the empty spaces above the mask to raise and rap the doorknocker.

The popular composition has been documented since at least the eighteenth century. In 1758, the Flemish artist Giovanni Grevembroch illustrated a version in his compilation of doorknockers Battori, Batticoli e Battioli in Venezia.[1] Located at the Palazzo Bragadin near Santa Maria Formosa in Venice, Grevembroch’s doorknocker employs the same shape and figures, except the rooster is replaced by another satyr mask.

The finest cast of this type is the one sold from the Beit collection in 2007, dated to the first half of the sixteenth century and notable for its energetic modeling (fig. 71a).[2] Similar in height to the Morgan bronze, the Beit doorknocker was first published by Wilhelm von Bode, who associated it with Jacopo Sansovino.[3] It is more likely that these doorknockers were mass-market products cast by an unidentified Venetian foundry. In the city’s flourishing bronze industry, such foundries produced a wide array of functional objects from doorknockers to handbells.[4] Other versions of this composition are recorded in the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, the Hermitage, the Kunstgewerbemuseum in Berlin, and the Kunsthistorisches Museum.[5] While these other casts are crowned by a mascaron, the Morgan knocker seems to be unique in its depiction of a rooster. This might be a reference to the function of the implement, akin to an alerting cockcrow. Strike-resistant and durable, bronze was a suitable medium for these resonant street-facing accessories.

The vogue for bronze knockers on palace portals emerged in the sixteenth century and merpeople became a popular subject matter.[6] In the Morgan bronze, the fish-tailed lovers’ right arms connect behind the terminal figure. This alludes to a dextrarum iunctio, representing a romantic relationship displayed fittingly at the entrance of the domicile. Moreover, these aquatic dwellers and the bronze’s anchor shape reflect Venice’s long association with the sea and her naval prowess. Located at liminal thresholds separating exterior from interior, these hybrid marine creatures remind visitors of the building’s amphibious existence in the lagoon.[7]

(For key to shortened references see bibliography in Allen, Italian Renaissance and Baroque Bronzes in The Metropolitan Museum of Art. NY: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2022.)

1. Grevembroch 1879, fig. 8. See Wyshak 2000, pp. 12–13, for more on Giovanni Grevembroch (Jan II van Grevenbroeck).
2. Richard 2007, p. 6.
3. Bode 1913, p. 114, no. 261.
4. See, for instance, the probate inventory of Giacomo Calderari’s foundry complex in V. Avery 2011, pp. 460–64, doc. 298.
5. LACMA, 54.51.2 (Schaefer and Fusco 1987, p. 185); Hermitage, 1783 (ibid., pp. 145–46, no. 119); Kunstgewerbemuseum, 01.224 (destroyed; Wyshak 2000, p. 84, no. 25, pl. 13, fig. 23); KHM, KK 5971 (Planiscig 1924, p. 116, fig. 198).
6. P. Brown 2004, pp. 54–56.
7. Luchs 2010, p. 181.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。