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品名(英)The flagellation of Christ
策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作者Donatello【1386 至 1466】【意大利人】
创作年份公元 1875 - 公元 1925
尺寸整体 (confirmed): 7 3/16 × 7 3/4 × 9/16 英寸 (18.3 × 19.7 × 1.4 厘米)
介绍(中)尽管它已经展出,但这个牌匾却没有引起学术界的注意。它在每一个意义上都很沉重,显示出一种刻意的"原始"方法,以及对四分音符技术的无所不知的观察。例如,背面的有力凿刻与早期的做法相一致,通过这种做法,即使是浮雕的背面和小雕像的下侧也可能受到很多关注。但负责的艺术家释放了大量矛盾。他的出发点是在卢浮宫和博德博物馆的稍小的青铜牌匾中发现的多纳特尔式作品。[1] 他从这些人中的一个或另一个身上带走了两个几乎赤裸的鞭笞者,他们向耶稣挥舞着自己的球。然而,右边的那个已经被完全误解了,以至于他的躯干前部和臀部后部同时被视为不可能的对齐。同样不协调的扭曲对位出现在他下方的推杆中。与此同时,左边的士兵穿着一套奇特的服装,这套服装更像泳装,而不是盔甲

支撑纹章的推杆构成了一个练习场,其装饰性与悲剧情节不符(必须说,基督本人表现出很少的悲怆)。盾徽为浅银色,浅蓝色。[2] 令人不安的是,这些人物的身体和服装被不加区分地点画,而空白的表面和背景则被高度抛光。背面的一些焊料表明,这块牌匾曾经是框架式的。没有铜绿堆积;在右后上方摩擦的地方,合金是高铜的

浮雕曾一度被分配给"多纳泰罗学派",但约翰·戈德史密斯-菲利普斯(John Goldsmith Phillips)的一份铅笔笔记完美地总结了这一情况:"这种拙劣的浮雕模型与大师相去甚远。"曾有人建议将其归因于罗马文艺复兴早期的重要参与者安东尼奥·菲拉塞特(Antonio Filarete),但皮特罗·卡纳塔(Pietro Cannata)正确地拒绝了这一想法


1。Landais 1958,第4页;Bange 1922,第1.1页
介绍(英)Although it has been exhibited, this plaque has eluded scholarly attention. It is heavy in every sense and shows a deliberately “primitive” approach and all-too-knowing observation of quattrocento technique. The vigorous chiseling of the back, for instance, is consistent with an early practice by which even the backs of reliefs and the undersides of statuettes might receive a lot of attention. But the artist responsible unleashed a store of inconsistencies. His point of departure is a Donatellesque composition known in slightly smaller bronze plaques in the Louvre and the Bode-Museum.[1] From one or the other of these he took the two all-but-naked flagellators who swing their knouts at Jesus. However, the one on the right has been completely misunderstood so that the front of his torso and the back of his hips are seen simultaneously in an impossible alignment. The same incongruously twisted contrapposto occurs in the putto below him. The soldier at left, meanwhile, wears a fanciful outfit more resonant of swimwear than armor.

The putti supporting the coat of arms form an exergue whose ornamental nature is at odds with the tragic episode (and it must be said that Christ himself exhibits little pathos). The coat of arms is per pale with argent and vair in pale.[2] Disturbingly, the figures’ flesh and costumes have been indiscriminately stippled, while blank surfaces and the background are highly burnished. Some solder on the back suggests that the plaque was once framed. There is no buildup of patina; where rubbed, at top rear right, the alloy is highly cuprous.

The relief was at one time assigned to the “School of Donatello,” but a pencil note by John Goldsmith Phillips summed up the situation perfectly: “This clumsily modeled relief is far removed from the Master.” An attribution to Antonio Filarete, that seminal participant in the Roman early Renaissance, was once suggested, but Pietro Cannata rightly rejected the thought.

(For key to shortened references see bibliography in Allen, Italian Renaissance and Baroque Bronzes in The Metropolitan Museum of Art. NY: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2022.)

1. Landais 1958, pl. 4; Bange 1922, pl. 1.1.
2. This is not the coat of arms of the Odescalchi, who originated in Como and only attained power in the seventeenth century. A suitable family has not been identified.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。