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品名(英)Panel for a decorative frieze with portrait of Bernini (from a set of six)
策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作年份公元 1766 - 公元 1776
尺寸Outside: 高 29-7/8 x 宽 91-5/8 英寸 (75.9 x 232.7 厘米); Inside: 高 25-1/8 x 长 86-1/8 英寸 (63.8 x 218.8 厘米)

这个特殊的面板上有意大利雕塑家和建筑师Gian Lorenzo Bernini(1598-1680)的肖像,如下图所示,他的名字用法语拼写:Bernin。总的来说,这个和其他面板让人想起了由让-巴蒂斯特·玛丽·皮埃尔设计并由克劳德·亨利·瓦泰勒为后者的L‘Art de peindre雕刻的带有著名艺术家侧饰章的装饰小插曲,1760年出版,他们都在Choiseul工作,当时房间很可能已经装修好了。公爵去世后,这些画作于1786年拍卖,但雕带仍保留着。它被拆除的日期不详,其中六块镶板后来成为Maison Leys的木制品、镶板和座椅家具模型系列的一部分,Maison Leyes是一家成功的装饰企业,位于巴黎的玛德琳广场。自1885年以来,该公司由乔治·霍恩切尔(Georges Hoentschel)领导,他于1903年在巴黎法兰德林大道(Boulevard Flandrin)的一个类似博物馆的展览中安装了这些藏品。其中三块嵌板在Léopold Stevens(1866-1935)的《霍恩切尔收藏的内部》(Interior of the Hoentschel Collection)中可见,该收藏位于巴黎法兰德林大道58号(2019.55)。1906年,霍恩切尔将藏品卖给了J·皮尔庞特·摩根(J.Pierpont Morgan),摩根于次年将这些嵌板与装饰师的其余17世纪和18世纪物品一起交给了大都会艺术博物馆(Metropolitan Museum of Art)。
介绍(英)One of nine panels forming originally a decorative frieze in the cabinet intérieur of Étienne-François, duc de Choiseul (1719-1785) at his château of Chanteloup. In an anonymous drawing dating to ca. 1771, six of the frieze panels are seen in the duke’s private cabinet, one of the most richly decorated rooms in the castle, placed above large paintings by Giovanni Paolo Panini. Together the paintings and carved frieze panels, each with a medallion of a celebrated Italian artist framed by tied branches of laurel leaves and ribbon-tied garlands of flowers, commemorated Choiseul’s successful ambassadorship to the Vatican in 1753-1757.

This particular panel has the portrait of the Italian sculptor and architect Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598-1680) as indicated below the rendering in the French spelling of his name: Bernin. Overall, this and the other panels recall the decorative vignettes with profile medallion of famous artists designed by Jean-Baptiste Marie Pierre and engraved by Claude-Henri Watelet for the latter’s L’Art de peindre, published in 1760.

It has been suggested that Choiseul’s architect Louis-Denis Le Camus may have directed the execution of the panels by the sculptor Jean-François Antoine Boulanger, the latter’s brother the joiner Jean-Éienne Boulanger, and possibly the painter-gilder Jean Gilles Ramier, all of whom worked for Choiseul around the time that the room was most likely decorated. After the duke’s death, the paintings were sold at auction in 1786 but the frieze remained in place. It was removed at an unknown date and six of the panels were later part of the model collection of woodwork, paneling, and seat furniture of Maison Leys, a successful decorating business, located at the Place de la Madeleine in Paris. Since 1885, the business was directed by Georges Hoentschel who installed the collection in 1903 in a museum-like display at Boulevard Flandrin, Paris. Three of the panels are visible in Léopold Stevens’ (1866-1935) Interior of the Hoentschel Collection at 58 Boulevard Flandrin, Paris (2019.55). In 1906, Hoentschel sold the collection to J. Pierpont Morgan who gave the panels with the rest of the decorator’s seventeenth and eighteenth century objects to the Metropolitan Museum of Art the following year.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。