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品名(英)The Louis XV Room
策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作者Jean-François Roumier【1758 至 1823】
创作年份公元 1715 - 公元 1730
尺寸整体: 高 308 1/2 x 宽 226 1/2 x 深 228英寸 (783.6 x 575.3 x 579.1厘米); Crate (mirror): 高 95 1/4 x 宽 112 1/2 x 深 8 英寸 (241.9 x 285.8 x 20.3 厘米)
介绍(中)让-费利克斯·沃坦(生于 1728 年)在他的手册《公平与雇主的艺术》第二版中指出:"白瘟热......是黄金的朋友;也就是说,它使金色闪闪发光,并因其美丽的哑光表面而更加突出。这句话对于十八世纪早期的镶板来说仍然适用,尽管多达六种油漆和镀金的应用覆盖了它的表面。主要装饰包括四个季节的奖杯,悬挂在圆角板上雕刻的蝴蝶结丝带上。一捆小麦、农具、一顶草帽和一把遮阳伞等物品象征着夏天,而一篮鲜花、园艺工具和鸟类则象征着春天。秋天以丰盛的号角、一篮葡萄、猎枪和角为代表,而乐器、小丑的小玩意、戏剧面具和象征室内活动的蜡烛则是指冬天。每个奖杯上方的面具和花饰也提到了四个季节,过去与设计师和雕塑家弗朗索瓦-安托万·瓦塞(François-Antoine Vassé,1681-1736 年)的绘画有关。然而,最近,它们被比作才华横溢的弗朗索瓦·鲁米耶(François Roumier,活跃于1716-48年)的作品。Roumier是负责建造和维护法国各种皇宫的Bâtiments du Roi雇用的装饰雕刻师,在1720年代负责凡尔赛宫的大部分雕刻室内装饰。在1723-25年,Roumier为巴黎雅各宾新教堂(现在的圣托马斯达金教堂)的合唱团设计并雕刻了一系列十六块带有奖杯装饰的面板。这件作品的雕刻设计现已分散,与博物馆的木制品在风格上相似。

这块十八世纪早期镶板的原始位置尚未确定,尽管它曾经被认为来自马利城堡。该护墙板在 19 世纪被多次出售,一度属于法国历史画家约瑟夫-德西雷·考特(Joseph-Désiré Court,1797-1865 年),据报道,他从巴黎的橱柜制造商和古董家具和木制品经销商那里获得了它们,名叫 Monbro,可能是乔治-阿尔方斯-博尼法西奥(1807-1884)。考特的物品在他去世后的1866年被拍卖。那时,镶板仍然包括六块门板,而不是博物馆的单对,上面雕刻着音乐奖杯,现在放在两个侧镜上方,表明护墙板最初是为更大的房间制作的。
介绍(英)Jean-Félix Watin (b. 1728) stated in the second edition of his manual L’Art de faire et d’employer le vernis that "blanc de Roi [a white distemper] . . . is the friend of gold; that is to say, it makes the gold sparkle and stand out more because of its beautiful matte surface." This remark still rings true for this early eighteenth-century paneling, even though as many as six applications of paint and gilding have covered its surface. The main decoration consists of trophies of the four seasons suspended from bow-knotted ribbons carved on the rounded corner panels. A sheaf of wheat, farming equipment, a straw hat, and a parasol, among other objects, are emblematic of summer, whereas a basket of flowers, gardening tools, and birds symbolize spring. Autumn is represented by a horn of plenty, a basket of grapes, a hunting rifle, and a horn, while musical instruments, a jester’s bauble, theatrical masks, and candles symbolizing indoor activities refer to winter. The four seasons are also alluded to in the masks and festoons above each of these trophies, which in the past have been related to drawings by the designer and sculptor François-Antoine Vassé (1681–1736). More recently, however, they have been compared to work by the talented François Roumier (active 1716–48). Roumier, a decorative carver employed by the Bâtiments du Roi, the agency in charge of the construction and maintenance of the various French royal palaces, was during the 1720s responsible for much of the carved interior decoration at the Château de Versailles. In 1723–25, Roumier designed and carved a series of sixteen panels with trophy decorations for the choir of the Parisian church of the Noviciat des Jacobins, the present church of Saint Thomas d’Aquin. The engraved designs of this work, now dispersed, bear stylistic similarities to the Museum’s woodwork.

The original location of this early eighteenth-century paneling has not been identified, although it was once thought to have come from the Château de Marly. The boiserie was sold several times during the nineteenth century and belonged at one point to the French history painter Joseph-Désiré Court (1797–1865), who reportedly had acquired them from a Parisian cabinetmaker and dealer in antique furniture and woodwork called Monbro, probably Georges-Alphonse-Bonifacio (1807–1884). Court’s effects were auctioned off in 1866 following his death. At that point the paneling still included six overdoor panels instead of the Museum’s single pair, carved with trophies of music, now placed above the two side mirrors, indicating that the boiserie was originally made for a larger room.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。