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品名(中)路易十六在圣克劳德的Salon des Jeux的扶手椅(扶手椅)
品名(英)Armchair (fauteuil) from Louis XVI's Salon des Jeux at Saint Cloud
策展部门欧洲雕塑和装饰艺术European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
创作者Georges Jacob【1739 至 1814】【法国人】
创作年份公元 1788
尺寸整体: 39 3/8 × 29 1/2 × 25 5/8 英寸 (100 × 74.9 × 65.1 厘米)
介绍(中)1789年的Saint Cloud清单提到了一套更大的家具,这些家具是两年前由Georges Jacob委托给Saint Cloud的Salon des Jeux du Roi或King's Gaming Room的。雅各布是十八世纪最成功的椅子制造商之一,他为这个在赌桌上赢和输的房间提供了六十二件家具,其中包括十六把相同的扶手椅。根据详细的账目,雅各布每把扶手椅收取24里弗的费用,用于切割胡桃木成型并将各个部分连接在一起。由一位身份不明的雕刻师制作的雕刻花费了 180 里弗尔,路易-弗朗索瓦·查塔德的镀金费用为 240 里弗尔。框架下方粘贴的纸质标签表明它是 1788 年 2 月为圣克劳德的游戏室订购的。在制造商邮票旁边的框架下方切割的凹口表明,这是当时从乔治·雅各布订购的四把椅子中的第三把,以补充他前一年提供的套装。这些直背的正式椅子,称为fauteuils meublants,将与布景的长椅和贝热尔一起放置在房间的墙壁上。扶手椅的直线框架,弯曲的前排座椅导轨,滚动的扶手支撑和转动的直腿,都雕刻着扭索饰纹,玫瑰花结和程式化的叶子,是新古典主义的缩影。1789 年的库存将片场的室内装潢描述为灰蓝色锦缎 gros de Tour,或带罗纹丝绸。许多游戏室座椅家具,包括十二把扶手椅,在1798年春天仍然在宫殿中被记录下来。博物馆的椅子最终被乔治·霍恩舍尔收购。1908年的收藏目录列出了其圣克劳德的出处,但没有列出其制造商或日期。
介绍(英)The 1789 inventory of Saint Cloud mentions a much larger set of furniture that had been commissioned from Georges Jacob two years before for the Salon des Jeux du Roi, or King's Gaming Room, at Saint Cloud. Jacob, one of the most successful chair makers of the eighteenth century, supplied sixty-two pieces of furniture, including sixteen identical armchairs, for this room where fortunes were won and lost at the gaming tables. According to the detailed account, Jacob charged 24 livres per armchair for cutting the walnut to shape and joining the various parts together. The carving, by an unidentified carver, cost 180 livres, and the gilding, by Louis-François Chatard, amounted to 240 livres. A paper label pasted underneath the frame identifies it as having been ordered in February 1788 for the gaming room at Saint Cloud. The notches cut underneath the frame next to the maker's stamp indicate that it is the third of four chairs that were ordered from Georges Jacob at that time, to supplement the set he had supplied the previous year. These formal chairs with straight backs, called fauteuils meublants, would have been placed along the walls of the room together with the settees and bergères of the set. The rectilinear frame of the armchair, with its curved front seat rail, scrolled arm supports, and turned straight legs all carved with guilloches, rosettes, and stylized leaves, is the epitome of neoclassicism. The 1789 inventory describes the upholstery on the set as a gray blue brocaded gros de Tour, or ribbed silk. Much of the gaming room seat furniture, including twelve of the armchairs, was still recorded at the palace in the spring of 1798. The Museum's chair was eventually acquired by Georges Hoentschel. The 1908 catalogue of his collection lists its Saint Cloud provenance but not its maker or date.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。