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策展部门服装研究所Costume Institute
创作年份公元 1808 - 公元 1812
介绍(中)这件历史悠久的连衣裙是查尔斯·詹姆斯(Charles James,2009.300.27772009.300.2778)为小威廉·兰道夫·赫斯特夫人设计的20世纪50年代平纹细布的灵感来源。这位捐赠者是詹姆斯一生的缪斯女神和朋友,经常给他带来历史时尚来重新诠释。虽然尚不清楚最终结果是什么,但结果富有想象力且独特


Austine Hearst是世纪之交报业大亨William Randolph Hearst(1863-1951)之子William Randolph-Hurst,Jr.(1908-1993)的第三任妻子。在战争年代,她主持了一个广播节目,并在报纸上写了一篇关于年轻社会的专栏,战后被全国辛迪加选中。在与时装设计师奥列格·卡西尼(1913-2006)的兄弟伊戈尔·卡西尼(1915-2002)结婚七年后,她于1948年与赫斯特结婚。她一直担任专栏作家,直到她的孩子在20世纪50年代初出生。听证会被邀请参加白宫的派对,杜鲁门·卡波特臭名昭著的1966年黑白舞会,以及对外国政要的采访等等。在整个20世纪50年代,她一直在国际最佳着装名单上,并于1959年入选国际名人堂最佳着装名单。1953年,应朋友兼设计师查尔斯·詹姆斯的要求,她第一次成为布鲁克林博物馆的捐赠者。她的第一笔捐款是詹姆斯的平纹细布和连衣裙。此后,她定期捐赠Christian Dior、Madame Alix Grès和Arnold Scaasi等著名设计师的服装。
介绍(英)This historical dress served as an inspiration for a 1950's muslins designed for Mrs. William Randolph Hearst, Jr., by Charles James (2009.300.2777, 2009.300.2778). The donor, who was a life-long muse and friend of James, often brought him historical fashions to reinterpret. The results were imaginative and unique although it is unclear of the final results were ever worn.

The Empire silhouette is readily identified with its origins in the chiton of ancient Greco-Romans, which was a tubular garment draped from the shoulders and sometimes belted beneath the bust. Several re-interpretations have occurred throughout costume history but none have been as notable as the period bridging the rectangular panierred skirts of the 18th century and the conical hoop skirts of the 19th century. The neoclassic style was adopted in all forms of decoration after the French Revolution and was upheld during the Napoleonic Wars partly due to Napoleon Bonaparte's (1769-1821) alliance with Greco-Roman principles. In fashion, the style began as children's wear made from fine white cotton, but was adopted by women in the form of a tubular dress with skirts that were gathered under the bust with some fullness over a pad at the back. As the style progressed the skirts began to flatten at the front and solely gather from the bodice at the center back. The style persisted until the 1820s when the waist slowly lowered and the skirts became more bell shaped.

Austine Hearst was the third wife of William Randolph Hearst, Jr. (1908-1993), son of William Randolph Hearst (1863-1951), turn of the century newspaper mogul. She spent the war years hosting a radio show and writing a newspaper column about young society, which was picked up for national syndication after the war. She married Hearst in 1948, after a seven year marriage to Igor Cassini (1915-2002), brother of the fashion designer Oleg Cassini (1913-2006). She continued as a columnist until after her children were born in the early 1950s. The Hearsts were invited to parties at the White House, Truman Capote's infamous 1966 Black and White Ball and interviews with foreign dignitaries, to name a few. She was continuously on the International Best Dressed List throughout the 1950s and was inducted into the Best Dressed List International Hall of Fame in 1959. She first became a donor to the Brooklyn Museum in 1953 at the request of friend and designer, Charles James. Her first donation was comprised of James muslins and dresses. Thereafter, she regularly donated garments by famous designers such as Christian Dior, Madame Alix Grès and Arnold Scaasi, among others.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。