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品名(英)Ball gown
入馆年号2009年,2009.300.1290a, b
策展部门服装研究所Costume Institute
创作者House of Worth【1858 至 1956】【法国人】
创作年份公元 1895 - 公元 1900
介绍(中)查尔斯·弗雷德里克·沃斯出生于英国,在伦敦为纺织商工作,同时在博物馆研究艺术史。1845年,他搬到巴黎,在1858年与奥托·博伯格(Otto Bobergh)合作开设沃斯和博伯格(Worth and Bobergh,Worth)服装店之前,他做过推销员和裁缝。他们很快就得到了皇室的认可,并取得了重大成功。1870年,沃斯成为该公司的唯一所有者。在他的店里,沃斯制作了完整的作品,然后在真人模特上向客户展示。然后,客户可以根据自己的规格订购自己的收藏夹。这种方法是高级时装的起源。值得设计的礼服是艺术作品,通过精心挑选的纺织品和镶边,实现了色彩和纹理的完美结合。他在每件衣服上使用的大量纺织品证明了他对纺织业的尊重和支持。沃斯的创作成果在其一生中都保持着其水准和知名度。整个二十世纪上半叶,他的儿子、孙子和曾孙一直在他的指导下经营着这项事业

1875年,让-菲利普·沃斯开始担任父亲查尔斯·弗雷德里克·沃斯的助手。渐渐地,他被允许创作自己的设计,当他的父亲于1895年去世时,他成为了这栋房子的首席设计师。他因在独特的纺织品上制作精致的艺术礼服而受到赞扬,就像他父亲之前一样。尽管在世纪之交,沃斯堡家族仍然受到皇室和名人的青睐,但1900年后,他们的风格不再是法国时尚的前沿。1910年左右,Jean-Philippe将自己的设计工作局限于重要的订单,并在第一次世界大战后离开公司之前,聘请了侄子Jean-Charles Worth担任新的首席设计师。
介绍(英)Charles Frederick Worth was born in England and spent his young adulthood working for textile merchants in London while researching art history at museums. In 1845 he moved to Paris and worked as a salesman and a dressmaker before partnering with Otto Bobergh to open the dressmaking shop, Worth and Bobergh, in 1858. They were soon recognized by royalty and major success followed. In 1870 Worth became the sole proprietor of the business. At his shop, Worth fashioned completed creations which he then showed to clients on live models. Clients could then order their favorites according to their own specifications. This method is the origin of haute couture. Worth designed gowns which were works of art that implemented a perfect play of colors and textures created by meticulously chosen textiles and trims. The sheer volume of the textiles he employed on each dress is testimony to his respect and support of the textile industry. Worth's creative output maintained its standard and popularity throughout his life. The business continued under the direction of his sons, grandsons and great-grandsons through the first half of the twentieth century.

Jean-Philippe Worth began as an assistant to his father, Charles Frederick Worth, in 1875. Gradually he was allowed to create his own designs and when his father died in 1895, he became the lead designer for the house. He was praised for making elaborate artistic gowns with intricate trimmings on unique textiles, much like his father had before him. Although the House of Worth was still favored by royalty and celebrities through the turn of the century, their styles were no longer the forefront of French fashion after 1900. Around 1910 Jean-Philippe limited his design work to important orders and hired his nephew, Jean-Charles Worth, as the new lead designer before leaving the company entirely after World War I.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。