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品名(英)Embroidered Sampler
策展部门美国之翼The American Wing
创作者Laura Hyde【1787 至 1887】【美国人】
创作年份公元 1800
创作地区制造于: 美国, 康涅狄格州, 富兰克林(Made in: United States, Connecticut, Franklin)
尺寸13 1/4 x 13 英寸 (33.7 x 33 厘米)
介绍(中)1800年,13岁的Laura Hyde做出了一个相当令人惊讶的选择,在这个针线活采样器上绣出了土耳其后宫的场景。她的采样器是由康涅狄格州富兰克林和诺里奇两个邻近城镇的女孩制作的三个类似采样器之一(另外两个是私人收藏的)。相关的采样器都有类似的主题,其中一些包括大型帆船和异国他乡的景色,比如劳拉在《恒河中的印度》和《孟加拉湾》中的场景。虽然这些景色可能来源于版画或插图书,这是针线活教师和学生的常见灵感来源,但劳拉在右下角的后宫场景是独一无二的,不是基于任何已知的印刷品。它展示了玛丽·沃特利·蒙塔古夫人(1689-1762)出版的信件中的第33封信,这封信是她写给来自土耳其阿德里安堡的妹妹马尔伯爵夫人的。1716年,玛丽夫人前往土耳其,当时她的丈夫爱德华·沃特利·蒙塔古被任命为英国驻土耳其大使。在信中,她描述了她对"卡雅的夫人"、"美丽至极"的法蒂玛的后宫的访问,法蒂玛是一位高级官员的夫人。在劳拉的刺绣中,场景按照描述展开:玛丽夫人和"希腊夫人"(她的翻译)在一把大伞下,被护送进入后宫的帐篷。在那里,她们"在两排漂亮的年轻女孩之间"走到"一张沙发上,高出三级台阶,铺着精致的波斯地毯",在那里她们遇到了法蒂玛和她的两个年幼的女儿

介绍(英)In 1800 thirteen-year-old Laura Hyde made the rather surprising choice to embroider a scene of a Turkish harem onto this needlework sampler. Hers is one of three similar samplers made by girls from the neighboring towns of Franklin and Norwich, Connecticut (the other two are in private collections). The related samplers all have similar motifs, and some include large sailing ships and views of foreign lands, such as Laura’s scenes with "India Within the Ganges" and the "Bay of Bengal." While these views may have derived from prints or illustrated books, common sources of inspiration for teachers and students of needlework, Laura’s scene of the harem on the lower right is unique, not based on any known print. It illustrates Letter 33 in the published correspondence of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (1689-1762), one that she wrote to her sister the Countess of Mar, from Adrianople, Turkey. Lady Mary traveled to Turkey in 1716, when her husband, Edward Wortley Montagu, was appointed the English ambassador there. In the letter, she describes her visit to the harem of the "kayha’s lady," the "gloriously beautiful" Fatima, the lady of a high-ranking official. In Laura’s embroidery the scene unfolds as described: Lady Mary and "the Greek lady" (her interpreter), under a large umbrella, are escorted into the tent of the harem. There they walk "between two ranks of beautiful young girls" to "a sofa, raised three steps, and covered with fine Persian carpets," where they meet Fatima and her two young daughters.

Why did scenes of Turkey and India appeal to young Laura Hyde as subjects for embroidery? One of the ships in her rendition of the Bay of Bengal flies an American flag. The sampler was made not long after the commencement of direct American trade with India in 1784, and Norwich, a shipping town north of New London on the Thames River, likely benefited from this connection. This schoolgirl’s sampler reminds us that trade facilitated the new United States’ arrival on the world stage. In addition, the turn of the nineteenth century saw a greater emphasis on the intellectual education of girls, and who could have been a better role model for a young woman than the glamorous, literate, and adventurous Lady Mary?
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。