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品名(英)Embroidered coverlet
策展部门美国之翼The American Wing
创作者Mary Breed【1751 至 1787】【美国人】
创作年份公元 1770
创作地区制造于: 美国, 新伦敦郡, 康涅狄格州, 斯托宁顿(Made in: United States, New London County, Connecticut, Stonington)
尺寸90 3/4 x 89 英寸 (230.5 x 226.1 厘米)

1922年,当这张小封面被博物馆收藏时,它被认为是1770年19岁的玛丽·布里德的,据说她住在马萨诸塞州查尔斯顿(现波士顿)的布里德山。这件作品上绣着18世纪的铭文,上面写着MARY BREED/AGE 19 Y 1770,现在大部分已经磨损,但在旧照片中可以清楚地看到。这件作品是在布雷德山上缝制的,1775年邦克山战役就是在这里发生的,这对20世纪20年代的收藏家来说尤其有吸引力,他们对所有殖民地事物的历史共鸣感兴趣。然而,随着对美国纺织艺术的进一步研究,很明显,18世纪刺绣的特定风格可以准确地分配给美国殖民地的特定地区。在1973年的一篇关于圆领羊毛刺绣床罩的文章中,Anne Pollard Rowe发现博物馆的Mary Breed床罩有问题。其他博物馆收藏的一些刺绣作品与这件刺绣风格相同。罗称之为"对称风格",其特点是花朵和树木在构图上对称。每种喷雾只含有一种花;鸟类,通常成对,也是一个突出的特点。除了一套帷幔外,所有已知的这种风格的床罩都可以记录到康涅狄格州,两件特别靠近玛丽·布雷德床罩的床罩可以进一步记录到新伦敦县的城镇。由于我们这件作品的出处是毋庸置疑的,罗得出结论,尽管这件床罩是波士顿唯一一件对称风格的床罩,"波士顿对称设计的存在表明(整个风格的)是波士顿的来源,但它可能被分散的确切方法尚不确定。"与玛丽·布里德的床罩相比,同一时期的大多数波士顿刺绣床罩都要正式得多,更接近英国先例。

在对这件作品进一步感到困惑之后,我们决定尝试识别玛丽·布里德。因为我们知道她在1770年19岁,所以可能会追踪到1751年布里德家族的一个女儿的出生。首先,我们尝试了波士顿地区,但当时没有发现玛丽·布雷德出生在那里。事实证明,康涅狄格州更有成果;记录显示,玛丽·布里德于1751年2月9日出生,父母是新伦敦的约翰和Silence Breed。这是有记录以来唯一一位1751年出生于马萨诸塞州或康涅狄格州的玛丽·布里德,由于我们的封面与新伦敦县的作品比波士顿的作品更相似,我们的作品很可能是在那个地方制作的。我们可能永远不知道波士顿的归属在哪里,但因为波士顿有一个布里德家族,而当时新英格兰的所有布里德家族都可能有亲缘关系,也许这件作品的后来所有者对它的真正起源感到困惑。
介绍(英)When the panels of this coverlet were embroidered in 1770, they were not meant to be constructed into a bed covering. Originally, they were narrow bed curtains and three bed valances, most likely stitched together in the early nineteenth century. Some of the embroidery was chopped away at the foot end so that the converted coverlet could accommodate bedposts.

When the coverlet came into the Museum's collection in 1922, it was attributed to Mary Breed, aged nineteen in 1770, who was said to have lived on Breed's Hill, Charleston (now Boston), Massachusetts. The eighteenth-century inscription embroidered on the piece, which read MARY BREED / AGE 19 Y 1770, is now mostly worn away but can be seen clearly in old photographs. That the piece was stitched on Breed's Hill, where the 1775 Battle of Bunker Hill took place, was particularly appealing to the collectors of the 1920s, who were interested in the historical resonance of all things colonial. However, with further study of American textile arts, it became evident that particular styles of eighteenth-century embroidery could be accurately assigned to specific areas in the American colonies. In a 1973 article on crewel wool-embroidered bed hangings, Anne Pollard Rowe found the Museum's Mary Breed coverlet problematic. A number of needlework pieces in the collections of other museums have the same embroidery style as this one. Called the "symmetrical style" by Rowe, it is characterized by sprays of flowers and trees that are symmetrical in composition. Each spray contains only one type of flower; birds, often in pairs, are also a prominent feature. Except for one set of valances, all the known pieces of bed hangings in this style can be documented to Connecticut, and two pieces especially close to Mary Breed's coverlet can be further documented to towns in New London County. Since the provenance of our piece was unquestioned, Rowe concluded that although the coverlet was the only one in the symmetrical style documented in Boston, "the mere presence of the symmetrical designs in Boston suggests a Bostonian source [for the entire style], but the exact method by which it may have been dispersed is uncertain." Most Boston embroidered bed hangings of the same period were considerably more formal and closer to English precedents than Mary Breed's coverlet.

After further puzzling over the piece, we decided to try to identify Mary Breed. Because we knew she was nineteen in 1770, it might be possible to track down the birth of a daughter to a Breed family in 1751. First we tried the Boston area, but no Mary Breeds were found to be born there at that time. Connecticut proved more fruitful; the records show that a Mary Breed was born on February 9, 1751, to John and Silence Breed of New London. This is the only recorded Mary Breed born in either Massachusetts or Connecticut in 1751, and since our coverlet much more closely resembles pieces from New London County than any from Boston, it is likely that our work was made in that location. We may never know where the Boston attribution originated, but because there was a Breed family of Boston and all the Breeds in New England at the time could have been related, perhaps a later owner of the piece became confused as to its true origin.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。