标题翻译;What does PCI?
A local bus developed by Intel, PIC is designed to perform a couple of different functions. On the desktop, it serves as a processor-independent bridge between the CPU and high-speed I/O, especially video. In servers, its high-performance characteristics provide a tremendous advantage by solving what would otherwise be an intractable architectural problem: relieving the bottlenecks among storage peripherals ,memory, and the network. The motivations for developing such a high-speed bus are well known. Workgroup tasks that require a lot of bus-throughput-such as high-speed networking, handling targe video files, and running multimedia and other I/O-intensive applications__are rapidly becoming the rule, not the exception. And the rate of change in processors and peripherals is so fast that IS managers need PCI's ability to give I/O subsystems the "headroom" they need to handle increasingly higher speeds.