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品名(英)Courtier and Lady with a Young Woman Poling a Boat
策展部门亚洲艺术Asian Art
创作者Kubo Shunman【1757 至 1820】【日本人】
创作年份公元 1796
尺寸图像: 5 5/8 x 11 英寸 (14.3 x 27.9 厘米)
介绍(中)这个场景让人想起《源氏物语》第51章"被抛弃的船"(浮船)中的著名场景。背景是新年,农历春天的开始,当梅树即将盛开时,莺准备唱它一年中的第一首歌(初音),松树苗 - 准备被采摘 - 参加Ne no hi(老鼠的第一天)仪式装饰在蜿蜒的溪流的岸边。

在她人生的动荡时刻,浮船发现自己爱上了竞争的追求者,薰和牛尾。最常描绘的场景发生在春天晚些时候,一场大雪过后,当月亮在早晨的天空中时,Niou 与浮船一起乘船在宇治河上乘船前往橘子岛(立花之小岛),根据故事,她的女仆和船夫陪同。然而,在大多数描绘中,女仆和船夫被省略了场景,以专注于恋人。在这里,一个头发飘逸的年轻少女在船上杖子。

插图附带的 kyōka(诙谐的三十一个音节的诗)与《源氏物语》没有任何联系,而是相当普通的新年问候,像这样的 surimono(私人委托印刷品)会在文学沙龙的成员中流传。然而,尽管这些诗歌没有明确提到故事,但浮船章节的背景是新年,春天的开始,让诗意的联想和意象为新年贺卡提供了背景。右起第三首诗中间的一句话包括"niou ume ga ka","梅子的香味是芬芳的......"但仅仅是这点参考就足以引发艺术家想象中与"芬芳"梅花场景的联想,更不用说明显的巧合,niou(芬芳)是Niou的同音词, 朝臣向浮船求爱。艺术家兼诗人久保顺曼(1757-1820)在说明和动画这些参考方面非常聪明。他精通经典,并根据经典创作了各种surimono系列,例如土佐日记(土佐日报)和伊势物语(伊势物语)等。巴库郎诗歌组的负责人哈金亭(津村之)光(1754-1796)的诗在最左边,是荣誉的地方,与俊满关系密切,俊曼也是一位熟练的诗人,并且会与艺术家就设计和费用进行谈判
介绍(英)This scene evokes the famous scene from Chapter 51, “A Boat Cast Away” (Ukifune), of the The Tale of Genji. The setting is the New Year, the beginning of spring in the lunar calendar, when the plum trees are about to burst into bloom, the warbler is poised to sing its first song (hatsune) of the year, and pine saplings—ready to be plucked—for the Ne no hi (First Day of the Rat) ceremony adorn the shores of a winding stream.

At a tumultuous point in her life Ukifune finds herself falling in love with competing suitors, Kaoru and Niou. The far-and-away most commonly depicted scene set a bit later in spring after a heavy snowfall when the moon is in the morning sky and Niou joins Ukifune for boat ride on the Uji river to the Isle of Oranges (Tachibana no kojima) accompanied, according to the tale, by her maid and a boatman. In most depictions, however, the maid and boatman are omitted from the scene to focus on the lovers. Here a young maiden with flowing hair poles the boat.

The kyōka (witty thirty-one-syllable poems) accompanying the illustration are not connected to The Tale of Genji in any way whatsoever, but are rather generic New Year’s greetings, and a surimono (privately commissioned print) like this would have circulated among members of a literary salon. Yet, even though the poems have no explicit references the Tale, the setting of the Ukifune chapter at the New Year, the beginning of spring, allows the poetic associations and imagery to provide the setting for a New Year’s greeting card. One phrase in the middle of the third poem from the right includes the phrase “niou ume ga ka,” “the scent the plum is fragrant . . . ,” but just that little reference was enough to trigger associations in the artist’s imagination with a scene of “fragrant” plum blossoms, not to mention the obvious coincidence that niou (to be fragrant) is a homonym for Niou, the courtier wooing Ukifune. The artist-poet Kubo Shunman (1757–1820) was clever at illustrating and animating such references. He was well versed in the classics and created various surimono series based on the classics such as the Tosa Diary (Tosa nikki) and Tales of Ise (Ise monogatari), among others. The head of the Bakurō poetry group, Hajintei (Tsumuri no) Hikari (1754–1796), whose poem is on the far left, the place of honor, was on close terms with Shunman, who was a skilled poet as well, and would have negotiated with the artist over the design and fee
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。