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品名(中)伦敦皇家艺术学院创始成员肖像(英语:Portraits of the Founding Members of the Royal Academy of Arts,London)
品名(英)Portraits des premiers fondateurs de l'Académie Anglaise des Beaux-Arts (Portraits of the founding members of the Royal Academy of Arts, London), from "L'Univers Illustré"
策展部门绘画和印刷品Drawings and Prints
创作者Mason Jackson【1819 至 1903】【英国人】
创作年份公元 1862
尺寸图像: 9 1/4 × 13 9/16 英寸 (23.5 × 34.5 厘米) 页: 10 1/2 × 15 1/4 英寸 (26.7 × 38.8 厘米)
介绍(中)这幅木刻版画发表在一本法国杂志上,再现了1771-72年Zoffany(皇家收藏)的一幅画,描绘了1768年皇家学院成立时的成员,以及最近当选的几位男士。这群人聚集在老萨默塞特宫的客厅里,身后摆放着古典雕塑,表示他们对这一传统的崇敬。两名女性成员以肖像的形式出现在墙上,因为当时女性在公共场合用男性裸体画被认为是不体面的。梅森的版画发表在《L'Univers Illustré》杂志上,展示了法国人对英国艺术史的兴趣。肖像包括:德国出生的画家Johann Joseph Zoffany(1733-1810)(左下,坐着拿着调色板)
Mason Chamberlin(1727-1787),肖像画家(坐在West的膝盖边)<约瑟夫·威尔顿(1722-1803),雕塑家(Chamberlin上方)
Tan che qua,中国出生的建模师,1771年参观皇家学院学校(巴雷特上方)
杰里迈亚·迈耶(1735–1789),微型画家(Tan che qua的上方和略右侧)
Francis Hayman(1708–1776),画家(坐在前排,双脚张开,双手放在膝盖上)
William Hunter(1718-1783),美国医学院外科医生兼解剖学教授(Reynolds右边)
Francesco Bartolozzi(1727-1815),意大利出生的雕刻师(亨特右边,面朝右边)
Agostino Carlini(约1718-1790),意大利出生的雕塑家和画家(Catton上方,Bartolozzi右侧)
Richard Yeo(约1720–1779年),奖牌获得者(站在Catton右边的前排)<理查德·威尔逊(1714年至1782年),风景画家(上图为Yeo)<塞缪尔·沃尔(1721-1786),画家(在Yeo右边的桌子旁)<弗朗切斯科·祖卡雷利(1702-1788),意大利出生的风景画家(站在瓦莱的右边)
George Michael Moser(1706–1783),珐琅师和学院守护者(设定模特的姿势)<爱德华·伯奇(1730–1814),1771年当选的微型画家和宝石切割师(在模特抬起的手臂下)<安吉莉卡·考夫曼(1741-1807),瑞士出生的画家(墙上的左手肖像)
Joseph Nollekens(1737-1823),1772年当选的雕塑家(坐在Hone下面)<理查德·科斯韦(1742-1821),肖像画家,1771年当选(拄着拐杖站在右前方)
William Hoare"of Bath"(1707-1792),肖像画家(最右边,侧面)。
介绍(英)Published in a French journal, this wood engraving reproduces a 1771-72 painting by Zoffany (Royal Collection) portraying members of the Royal Academy at its foundation in 1768, plus several men recently elected. The group gathers here in the life drawing room at Old Somerset House with casts of classical sculpture behind indicatingi reverence for that tradition. Two female members appear as portraits on the wall, since it was considered unseemly at this time for women to draw from male nudes in a public setting. Mason's print, published in the "L’Univers Illustré," demonstrates French interest in the history of British art. The portraits include:
Johann Joseph Zoffany (1733–1810), German born painter (lower left, seated and holding a palette).
John Gwynn (1713–1786), architect (in profile, above West).
Benjamin West (1738–1820), American-born painter (above Gwynn, full length, with bent knee).
Giovanni Battista Cipriani (1727–1785), Italian-born painter (in profile, upper left).
Mason Chamberlin (1727–1787), portrait painter (seated, by West's knee).
Joseph Wilton (1722–1803), sculptor (above Chamberlin).
George Barret (1732–1784), landscape painter (above Wilton, next to West's shoulder).
Tan-che-qua, Chinese born modeller, a visitor to the Royal Academy Schools in 1771 (above Barret).
Jeremiah Meyer (1735–1789), miniature painter (above and slightly right of Tan-che-qua).
Dominic Serres (1719–1793), marine painter (above and slightly right of Meyer).
Francis Hayman (1708–1776), painter (seated in the front row with feet spread and hands on knees).
Paul Sandby (1725–1809) and Thomas (1721–98) Sandby, brothers and painters (in conversation, above and to the left of Hayman).
William Tyler (1728 –1801), sculptor and architect (to the right of Sandby).
John Inigo Richards (1731–1810), painter (to the right of Tyler).
Francis Milner Newton (1720–1794), painter (to the right of Richards and next to Hayman's head).
Sir William Chambers (1723–1796), architect and treasurer of the Academy (to the right of Newton).
Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723–1792), painter and first President of the Academy (to the right of Chambers, holding an ear trumpet).
William Hunter (1718–1783), surgeon and Professor of Anatomy at the Academy (to the right of Reynolds).
Francesco Bartolozzi (1727–1815), Italian-born engraver (to the right of Hunter, facing right).
Charles Catton, the Elder (1728–1798), satirical painter (seated in the front row, to the right of Bartolozzi).
Agostino Carlini (ca.1718–1790), Italian-born sculptor and painter (above Catton, to the right of Bartolozzi).
Richard Yeo (ca. 1720–1779), medalist (standing, front row, to the right of Catton).
Richard Wilson (1714–1782), landscape painter (above Yeo).
Samuel Wale (1721–1786), painter (at desk, to the right of Yeo).
Francesco Zuccarelli (1702–1788), Italian-born landscape painter (standing, to the right of Wale).
Edward Penny (1714–1791), painter (standing, above and to the right of Zuccarelli).
Peter Toms (ca.1728–1777), painter (behind and right of Penny).
George Michael Moser (1706–1783), enamellist and Keeper of the Academy (setting the model’s pose).
Edward Burch (1730–1814), miniature painter and gem-cutter elected in 1771 (under the model's raised arm).
Angelica Kauffmann (1741–1807), Swiss-born painter (left hand portrait on wall).
Mary Moser (1744–1819), flower painter (right hand portrait on wall).
Nathaniel Hone (1718–1784), Irish portrait painter (under Kauffmann portrait).
Joseph Nollekens (1737–1823), sculptor elected in 1772 (seated, under Hone).
Richard Cosway (1742–1821), portrait painter, elected in 1771 (standing at right front with cane).
William Hoare "of Bath" (1707–1792), portrait painter (at far right, in profile).
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。