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品名(英)Reproduction of a Sarmatian plaque in the form of an elk
策展部门古代近东艺术Ancient Near Eastern Art
创作年份公元 1800 - 公元 1899
尺寸1 1/2 × 1 1/4 × 3/16 英寸 (3.8 × 3.2 × 0.4 厘米)

这种现代电子版是圣彼得堡冬宫博物馆金牌的复制品。原件可能是在 1864 年在顿河地区最大的城市之一新切尔卡斯克附近的 Khokhlach kurgan(墓葬)中发现的。它是一组珍贵物品的一部分 - 皇冠,项圈,装饰品,杯子,火瓶或香水盒 - 被称为"新切尔卡斯克的宝藏",被认为是公元一世纪萨尔马提亚精英妇女的葬礼萨尔马提亚物品装饰有与早期斯基泰"动物风格"相当的动物形象,并经常用彩色镶嵌物增强。麋鹿形式的牌匾,可能用作服装装饰品,最初镶嵌着绿松石。

在十九世纪,许多博物馆收集了古代和历史艺术作品的副本,目的是向更广泛的公众展示杰出的作品,并为艺术家和制造商提供灵感。大都会艺术博物馆成立于1870年,在其第一个十年开始获得电版印刷。1883年,博物馆的收藏家和早期赞助人亨利·马昆德(Henry Marquand)从埃尔金顿公司(Elkington & Co.)购买了近三百件。今天,这些作品是博物馆许多部门的一部分,与石膏模型一起反映了收藏的历史以及博物馆作为艺术史教学中心的作用。
介绍(英)Electrotyping is a chemical process used historically to make high quality reproductions of works of art. During the Victorian era, one of the main producers was Elkington & Co. of Birmingham. They were licensed by the South Kensington Museum of London (now the Victoria & Albert Museum) to produce replicas of objects from royal treasuries and museums across Europe. The electrotypes approved by the Department of Science and Art, a British governmental agency, carry Messrs. Elkington’s mark in the form of an official stamp in metal.

This modern electrotype is a copy of a gold plaque in the Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg. The original was probably found in 1864 in the Khokhlach kurgan (burial mound) in the vicinity of Novocherkassk, one of the largest cities of the Don region. It was part of a group of precious objects – a crown, collars, ornaments, cups, flacons or perfume-boxes – known as the “Treasure of Novocherkassk” and thought to be the burial of an elite Sarmatian woman in the first century A.D. Sarmatian objects are decorated with animal imagery comparable to the earlier Scythian “animal style” and frequently enhanced with colored inlays. The plaque in the form of an elk, probably used as a clothing ornament, was originally inlaid with turquoise.

In the nineteenth century, many museums collected copies of ancient and historical works of art with the aim of presenting outstanding works to a broader public and to serve as inspiration for artists and manufacturers. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, founded in 1870, began to acquire electrotypes in its first decade. In 1883, Henry Marquand, a collector and early patron of the Museum, funded a large purchase from Elkington & Co. of nearly three hundred pieces. Today, these works are part of many departments in the Museum and along with plaster casts reflect the history of collecting and the role of the museum as a locus for the teaching of art history.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。