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策展部门美国之翼The American Wing
创作者George E. Ohr【1857 至 1918】【美国人】
创作年份公元 1895 - 公元 1913
创作地区制造于: 美国, 密西西比, 比洛克西(Made in: United States, Mississippi, Biloxi)
尺寸4 5/16 x 7 1/8 英寸 (11 x 18.1 厘米)
介绍(中)在许多方面,乔治·埃德加·奥尔(George Edgar Ohr)是典型的工艺美术陶艺家,他将艺术视野与非凡的技巧相结合。他在密西西比州的海滨度假小镇比洛克西工作,挖粘土,加工和准备粘土,将形状扔在轮子上,根据自己的愿景改变作品,混合并应用自己的釉料,烧制窑炉,创造自己的广告风格,并将他的商品带上路。奥尔的个人口头禅是"没有两个相同",他和他的作品一样古怪,是个人主义的,在超薄的抛掷容器上操纵形式,卷曲、褶皱、偏心和扭曲,为 1890 年代创造了前所未有的形式。对于这些形式,他应用了自己全新的和不寻常的釉料,通过海绵,飞溅和飞溅来应用,从而产生了在许多方面预测了几十年后将出现的抽象艺术运动的作品。


这件作品来自2017年和2018年捐赠给大都会博物馆的美国艺术陶器小罗伯特·A·埃里森收藏。收藏中的作品可以追溯到 1870 年代中期至 1950 年代。它们共同构成了已知最全面和最重要的材料组合之一。乔治·E·奥尔(George E. Ohr)无与伦比的作品在收藏中得到了很好的体现。埃里森是奥尔作品的早期崇拜者、收藏家和学者,并撰写了大量关于这位艺术家的文章。
介绍(英)In many ways George Edgar Ohr was the quintessential Arts and Crafts potter, combining artistic vision with extraordinary skill with his hands. Working in the seaside resort town of Biloxi, Mississippi, he dug the clay, processed and prepared it, threw the shape on the wheel, altered the piece according to his vision, mixed and applied his own glazes, fired the kiln, created his own style of advertising, and took his wares on the road. Ohr’s personal mantra was "no two alike," and he was as eccentric as his work was individualistic, with its manipulated forms on ultra-thin thrown vessels, crimping, ruffling, off-centering, and twisting, to create unprecedented forms for the 1890s. To these forms, he applied his own completely new and unusual glazes, applied by sponging, splashing, and spattering, resulting in works that in many ways anticipated the abstract art movements that would find form decades later.

With some objects, including this bowl, Ohr folded the walls inward, obscuring the distinction between the vessel’s interior and exterior. Constantly playing with the pliant clay, he folded and squeezed the walls to such a degree that some of these open bowls were, in effect, closed, denying any remnant of functionality. This work dates to the mature phase of the artist’s career when he created a number of intentionally unglazed works. Ohr achieved this effect by brushing a slip—generally red—onto the unfired clay vessel, sometimes applying the contrasting slip with his fingers, creating an effect that resembles marbleized clay. Close visual examination reveals that the second, applied clay often did not reach the deepest recesses of the folded body. These trompe l’oeil illusions constitute another of Ohr’s tricks.

This work is from the Robert A. Ellison Jr. Collection of American art pottery donated to the Metropolitan Museum in 2017 and 2018. The works in the collection date from the mid-1870s through the 1950s. Together they comprise one of the most comprehensive and important assemblages of this material known. The unparalleled work of George E. Ohr is well represented in the collection. Ellison was an early admirer, collector, and scholar of Ohr’s work and has written extensively on the artist.
  大都会艺术博物馆,英文 Metropolitan Museum of Art,是美国最大的艺术博物馆,世界著名博物馆,位于美国纽约第五大道的82号大街。